Mancation #2 – 2009

Guy, Mike H, Doug, Wes, Derick, Tim

Cabin on Long Lost Lake, 20 miles outside of Hayward.

The main event – mountain biking on the nearby Camba trails.  After that, kayaking on the lake, fishing, and laying around the shanty.

The weather was absolutely superb until the last evening.  A front blew in, the temps dropped.  By morning it was cold and the rain was steady.  We had planned to float the Flambeau on the way home, but the crappy weather combined with a dangerous looking thunder cell moving our way talked us out of it.


Too Much Coffee

I took a few snapshots of all my coffee toys.  The occasion was the selling (on Craigslist) of my beloved La Pavoni manual espresso machine.  I’d pulled a few thousand shots through it, and eventually gave it up because it took so much time.  It sat around, I felt like it was too fine a machine to not be used.  I cleaned it up, took the best pictures of it that I could, and within a few days someone answered my ad and took it.

(click to see more pictures)

Hoop House

This (ahem . . . lengthy) gallery shows the evolution of our hoop house

  • construction
  • plastic top
  • early plants
  • plant progress
  • top off

It was a cool spring.  The plants loved being warm and humid inside.  They really took off and were bigger, yielded product sooner, and had a longer life span than other unprotected gardens in the neighborhood.

At some point, the tomato plants get too big for the roof and the plastic has to come down.  Usually by this time it’s warm, it’s time.