Colorado Solo Kar Trip

I drove out to Colorado in the Prius to visit friends.  It’s been a long, brutal winter here in WI.  Eileen is working from our home office and we kept bumping into each other.  Between the weather and cabin fever, this trip seemed like a good idea.

I looked up all kinds of folks I never get to see.  Slept on at least five different couches – it was a cheap good time.  Got lucky with the weather.  Half the time it was near or above 60F.  My only regret was not bringing a bike.

The first half was in Boulder, second half in Denver.  Went through Ft. Collins on the way home.  It had been about 13 years since I’d been there!

Many  of these pictures were taken just wandering around a few neighborhoods in old Boulder.  Your starting price on any of these joints is $1M.
