Arizona – Tucson and Sedona

Eileen and I flew to Phoenix, hung with some old friends in Scotsdale, then drove our rental Geo Metro (now that! was a thrill) down to Tucson for a visit with Sophie and Lance.  Later in the week  we drove to Sedona for the day.  It’s all in here.

These pictures all scanned from slides in 2014.

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Snowmass, Crested Butte, Teluride

Around Labor Day 1991 we signed up for a big tennis tourney in Snowmass.  We’d already played an Aspen tourney a year ago this time of year, we knew it was a great time.  Being poor and cheap by nature, we camped in the back of our dinky little Toyota, down by the river.  The river in this case was Woody Creek.

After the tourney, we drove back to Carbondale, the headed south across Scofield Pass, then to Kebler Pass, and on in to Crested Butte, camping out of our truck along the way.

At some point, coming or going, we drove by the Black Canyon of the Gunnison, an amazingly deep valley carved by the Gunnison River.

Finally, we spent a very short time in Teluride.  The weather turned wet and cold.  Cheap or not, we checked into a condo to warm up.

(click thumbnail, gallery opens in a new tab)

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