Chicago – and Hamilton

Tim and Eileen head to Chicago for Hamilton.  We picked M up in Milwaukee on the way. We were exceedingly grateful to be offered lodging from Elizabeth B, of tennis fame, condo located on Michigan Ave., across from Grant Park, with an unrestricted view of Lake Michigan.

We bolted out of the gate with a ride north on the Chicago Lakefront Trail, a multi-use walking and biking path. Didn’t come close to the north terminus of the path. That first night we ate nearby at a Mediterranean restaurant and strolled. A bike ride south down the Lakefront Trail on day two.   The Hamilton show that afternoon at the Oriental Theater, to which we walked.  Caught dinner at Frontera Grill, on North Clark and W. Illinois Street.  By then we were several miles from home.   Walked halfway home, the rather sheer footwear on Eileen and Madeline caught up to them, we caught a taxi the rest of the way.

The last day we strolled Taste of Chicago, then packed it up and reversed our courses back home.

In general order: pics of the condo and views from the balcony, the ride south, strolling to Taste of Chicago, ending with iPhone pics walking around.

Picture gallery can be seen here.  This link should bring you to a “lightbox” view of all the photos in a gallery. Clicking on any thumbnail gets you get a larger single view.  You can arrow left and right, or use the on-screen arrows to go left and right.

Hit <esc> to go back to the lightbox view.  Close the tab when you’re done viewing, and you’re back here.