Spring Hike, Mt. Sanitas, Boulder CO

Warm day in the spring, bright sun, a recent snowfall.  Eight of us hiked up Mt. Sanitas.  It was muddy and there was snow up higher.  Very pleasant tho, and warm in direct sunlight.

Also included at the end are 3 photos of Barb/Byron car camping with Tim/Eileen.  Location – somewhere off Peak to Peak Hwy.  Rare photo of the Goode VW camper.  We only owned it for a year or so, before it blew an engine.  It was nice while it worked.


Spildie Graduation party from UWy in Laramie

The party of the year.  Every Cheesehead in Colorado was there, packing Dave’s swank bachelor apartment.

Things started with a barbecue at some godforsakenwindswept baseball field and continued on into the night. A line was crossed into Halloween territory when Dave’s panty drawer was raided. Hey, at least between the florid BVDs and the layers of t-shirts, everyone remained clothed.  Still, new lows were reached when the dreaded Spoons Glasses made their appearance.

Jean Wilhelm claims that the clothing theft was a collaboration between her and Kathy Laurie.  (It’s amazing that anyone would take responsibility.)

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Arizona – Tucson and Sedona

Eileen and I flew to Phoenix, hung with some old friends in Scotsdale, then drove our rental Geo Metro (now that! was a thrill) down to Tucson for a visit with Sophie and Lance.  Later in the week  we drove to Sedona for the day.  It’s all in here.

These pictures all scanned from slides in 2014.

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