Spildie birthday – Laramie

I’m putting this together 23 years later, so bear with me.  I have Mr. Spildie at 39, the oldest student ever to attend the University of Wyoming. Needless to say, it was a dignified and staid affair, befitting his senior status.

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Image 40


Never Summer group camp

I’m guessing this was in July.  Skovrons, Pattons, Missy Smith, and others I can’t identify.

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Pemberton Party

We stopped over at Eileen’s Parent’s house in Laguna Nigel on the way back home from Colorado.  They threw us a nice party, invited various relatives.  My own cousin Rachel came down and catered the whole affair, with her able daughter Sarah assisting.

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Redfeather Lakes: Terry & Gordon, Spildie, Missy Smith

Car camping near Redfeather Lakes, outside of Ft. Collins.  Images are scans of Kodachrome slides, taken with Nikon gear that was old even back then.

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Love Ct. party

Your basic beer blower party.  We invited people from every direction: tennis players, work associates, personal friends.
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