Spildie visit Sep2013

The Hippy came for the better part of a week.  He had “time on his hands”, what with his recent and total retirement from the Federal service.  These shots were at the Capitol Beer Garten, and the one that moved into Ale Asylum’s old location – can’t remember their name.








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Upper Penninsual Cabin and Pictured Rocks

Dave and Nancy, Paula and Roger, Tim, Eileen and Madeline all made the drive to a rustic cabin located on North Manistique Lake (aka Round Lake) in the UP. The highlight of the trip was a boat tour along the Pictured Rocks National Lake Shore of Lake Superior.   For most of the week the weather was cool and cloudy.  We considered ourselves lucky to arrive at the shore to very calm conditions, warm weather,  and partial sun.

We were surprised to pass so many beautiful beaches on the 20 mile run, all full of people, and many with clusters of kayaks radiating out from them.

Here are my favorite photos from the tour:









Gluttons for punishment can view an additional set of photos here to give you yet more of a look at this area.









Here are some photos around the cabin and North Manistique Lake:
