Dave & Nancy 65th Anniversary in Minocqua

The Goode Family hooked up for this Very Special Occasion of Dave and Nancy’s 65th Anniversary in Minocqua, WI.  Specifically, a very nice house on Squirrel Lake, five miles west of town. In attendance – Dave, Nancy, Paula, Roger, Jeremy, Eileen, Madeline, and Tim.  Here’s a look at our digs.

(Click pictures below to see slide shows.  Note – slide shows use Picasa Web.  Mouse down to the bottom to see controls that can change the speed of the slide show.  Hit “pause” to manually control the speed. Hit <esc> to see a thumbnail view.)





We paddled Squirrel Lake on the first morning.  It’s a big lake.  Conditions were close to glassy.






A few of us hiked around the neighborhood.  An old, not functioning resort named Squirrel Lake Resort was at the end of the road.  A few cabins were being used by the family of the original owners, the rest were more or less “returning to nature”.  Beyond this resort, the last thing on the road was woods, and the dam at the end of Squirrel Lake.  Squirrel Lake became Squirrel Stream at that point.






As is the Goode habit, we ate ourselves sick morning, noon, and night. It was a dark day in family history when somebody signed up for Costco.  A special cake was just the ticket on the night we celebrated the “65th”.






A typical fishing day at the Dam






The Hankard family was up at their yearly YMCA Camp Nawawka camp out this same week, and as it turned out, they were not very far away. We rolled over for a look.  It is sweet.  Nice cabins (esp the Island cabin), interesting lake with super clean water, and an undeveloped shoreline.










Mancation 3.0

More Mancation madness.  Attendees:  Mike, Guy, Doug, Wes, Tim, and newbie Scott, replacing Derek (poor guy).

This affair has settled into a comfortable rut.  It goes like this: We book a cabin on a scenic lake up north.  We dial up, and we get, fabulous weather.  We bike cool routes through the woods, we run rivers.  We party-float out on our lake late at night, thoroughly shattering the peace and quiet that other denizens of our lake thought they had a lock on when they bought in. We stay up even later and throw our lit up frisbee in a black hole of darkness until most of us are injured.

This year did not see even a slight deviation from this template.  The temps were in the mid 70’s in the day, cool at night.  Leaves were turning nicely.  Not a drop of rain. The script was followed to the “T”.

One of these years we’re going to go up there and it’s going to be sleeting the entire weekend.

Great food was had each night.  Mike ran lead with a Mexican motif on Friday, employing some of Tim’s Famous Green Verde.  Tim did clean up in an attempt to avoid being Totally Lame after Mike’s tour de’ force. Guy took breakfast lead on Saturday morning.  Eggs, bacon, potatoes.  He knows what we like.

Wes was Iron Chef, Italian Division,  on Saturday night. Scott dished up some homegrown greens that of themselves provided most of us with the majority of vitamins we’ll ingest for all of 2010.  Doug was the man on Sunday morning, with Breakfast Burritos, a big hit.  Tim again cleaned this up.  Thanks for opening 3 cans of beans, Doug.

Our cabin was on Lake John, near Lakewood, WI.  Here’s some scenes of the cabin and the lake itself, taken over the weekend.


We(*) rode the Nicholet Roche Mountain Bike Trail on Friday, before checking into the cabin. It was reputed to be a tough ride.  Ask Scott more about that.

The trees were ablaze in this part of the woods.

(*) That would be everybody but Tim, who managed to drop his disassembled seat post clamp from the back of the car on the way up. It’s not a good idea to ride your mountain bike without a saddle.


Saturday was  reserved for a sleepy 8 mile run on the Wolf.  Did I mention that weather was perfect?  The Wolf is very, very scenic.


We headed home on Sunday and stopped at Standing Rocks Mt. Bike trails near Stevens Point for our final event.  This was good stuff.  Almost no one crashed, except Tim (what a jerk), who was riding a borrowed Klein with citrus juicer seat attachment.


Personal Damages report:

Bug bites !: at least 15 good ones.  Had to be flies. There were no skeeters.

Injury report: left hip on BC#1. Both shins, both arms, and a bloody thumb on over-the-front BC#2.  Crushed fingers on account of a few guys who throw the Frisbee way, way too hard. Broken glass in finger from picking up broken beer bottle.

Equipment failures: one seat post, one bike light in the drink, one Pyrex dish. (quote of the day, right before “the shattering”:  “Oh, those Pyrex dishes can take jut about anything!”)

Hangovers: yes.

Miscellaneous injury of note:  One fat lip for Mr. Wilson.  It happened in the dark . . in his room . . . late at night.  The one he shared with Mike.  Don’t ask . . . don’t tell.

Train trip to Chicago

Eileen, Madeline and I took the train to downtown Chicago.  This trip starts with a car drive to Harvard, IL.  The train itself is very inexpensive despite covering a lot of miles.

Once downtown, we walked the mile or so to our hotel, the ultra-luxurious Palmer House.  From there we could easily walk to the lake, the Art Institute, Nave Pier. We stayed just one night, and despite the enormous size of the Palmer House, it was just our luck to find ourselves down at the end of a long hallway with some 20 somethings who’d checked in for the sole purpose of partying all night.

Our first sign of trouble was a thumping disco bass at 1:30am.  I opened our door, and right there at the end of the hall, one door away, the party was on.  They had carried in their own sound system (!) and it was admirably punchy, I had to admit.   We called security,  they came pretty fast.  Pounded on the door.  Much discussion, lots of loud voices.  Eventually it all died down and we went back to sleep.

For a while.  At 4:00am, loud voices.  Lots of them. Loud.  I looked out the peep hole. There’s 8 people, partying in the hall, right outside our door. They brought out food, All Night Party – Phase II: The Munchies was commencing.  Another call to security, another round of really loud voices.

It was the worst night’s sleep ever. We complained, asked for a refund.  Uh – we are very sorry, sir.  We are not allowed to offer refunds. All they would do is give us credit at the extreme-snotty house restaurant, which is over the top, even with a $50 certificate.

Beyond this, we hit the Art Institute, walked in Millenium and Grant parks, and then Navy Pier.


El Salvador

Bienvenido a El Salvador.  This trip took our friends by suprise.

El Salvador won’t be found on the well worn American tourist path.   We would doubtless have never gone there without having made the acquaintance of Lawrence R., whom we met on the GRABAAWR bicycle tour of 2007.  Lawrence and wife Cathy have lived in country for over five years, speak fluent Spanish, and work at the American Embassy.  Without them, and with very little Spanish between us, we doubtless would have been lost.  They have since been reassigned to D.C., so we knew we had to take this opportunity before it was lost.

Those two kept us tourists busy and happy. We toured sites in and around San Salvador for several days, then lit out for the family beach house on the Pacific for some quality beach time.  The weather was hot and dry – we were just coming to the end of the dry season – and was just perfect for Midwesterners in need of a break from a long winter.

Lawrence found two extra mountain bike for Eileen and Tim. We pedaled back dirt roads through small hamlets and sugar cane fields and thus got an early jump on the cycling season.

(Click thumbnail for photos of Lawrence’s home)

Coffee processing plant tour:

(Click thumbnail to see tour pictures)

Coatepeque volcano

(Click thumbnail for pictures)

Click the thumbnail below for photos from a visit to a small Mayan ruin

Mayan ruin

Click the thumbnail below for photos of our Ziplin tour.  (This was wild.)

Another volcano tour, this time – Boqueron !

The best part of the trip was hanging out on the Pacific Ocean at Lawrence and Cathy’s beach house.  The water was warm, really warm.  The riptides were stronger than Americans are used to on any USA beach, so we only went in at low tide.  We mountain biked out of this area.

ES Pacific Beach sunset (click to see pictures)

Day two at the beach house

beach house (click for photos)

On our last day, we shopped around, visited some tourista places, a modern mall, and finally a fruit and vegetable market

shopping (click for photos)

Mancation #2 – 2009

Guy, Mike H, Doug, Wes, Derick, Tim

Cabin on Long Lost Lake, 20 miles outside of Hayward.

The main event – mountain biking on the nearby Camba trails.  After that, kayaking on the lake, fishing, and laying around the shanty.

The weather was absolutely superb until the last evening.  A front blew in, the temps dropped.  By morning it was cold and the rain was steady.  We had planned to float the Flambeau on the way home, but the crappy weather combined with a dangerous looking thunder cell moving our way talked us out of it.
