Trempealeau – Camping and Biking

We try to get to Trempealeau every year to camp at Perrot State Park and ride bikes.  This year was no exception.

Unlike some previous outings, we had a varied crowd show up this time.  Jean and Joe brought down their recently acquired, and totally awesome, Airstream from Minneapolis. Jane and ? came along as well.

Dave S. was in town from Missoula, along with his road bike.

On our more “festive” party nights, Iron and ?, along with Scott, came up from LaCrosse.

We rode for several days with Madison friends Guy and Ann, who camped off on their own, along with some friends of theirs we didn’t know.

One day Joannie and Ralph, along with kids, came up from LaCrosse and rented a pontoon boat for us all to enjoy a Mississippi boat ride.  The river was at serious flood stage. We were warned up strong currents and debris in the water, which eliminated any notion of swimming.  What we weren’t warned about was a dark rain front, which barreled in on us less than an hour after we’d departed under sunny skies.  We had no choice but to turn and run for it back to the marina.  Major bummer.



Sugar River Float – May

Hankards, Wilsons, Goodes

A new section of the Sugar for most of us, but not Mike, who had done this same section just this morning.

Riverside Road out of Verona, to the public park in Paoli.  Nice, scenic, all cleared out. Maybe 2 hours on the water.

Weather – cool, upper 50’s, no rain, mostly cloudy, a few rays of sun, could have used more.












Devil’s Lake Campout

Devil’s Lake, WI – October.  Tim and Eileen in their new RV camper, the Trail Cruiser.  Rich and Lori in their new camper, the Sun Ray.

Devil’s Lake was interesting this time of year.  The trees were at the start of full fall color, the weather was cool – cold at night. Our campers were both purchased this summer and were little used, so we’re still trying to figure them out.

This park has four major campground areas, three of them were closed for the season. When we arrived on a Thursday, our area was sparsely populated.  It was quite a surprise to see how it totally filled up by Friday night.  Several boy scout troops helped in that regard.  Lots and lots of tents.  Lots and lots of very large RV trailers.  A few vintage campers, one from the 30’s.  A very old Airstream.   It’s fascinating to see what people show up in.

We hung out in our camper both nights, cooked up great meals, laughed it up and played cards.  The Trail Cruiser hi-fi system made its debut to great fanfare.

On Thursday we hiked the western trail that took us high over the lake.   The sun was out, the weather great.











The second day was much colder and cloudy. We drove to Parfrey’s Glen and hiked back in about as far as we could comfortably go.  It’s spectacular in there.  The hike starts out on the flat, along a small stream.  The trail wanders along on both sides of the stream, which required multiple crossings.  Apparently there used to be more bridges and wooden structures to make things easier, but a major flood washed them away and they weren’t replaced.  Now it’s every hiker for himself.   The trail enters a slot canyon and it’s hand over hand for a bit before it ends abruptly.















Upper Penninsual Cabin and Pictured Rocks

Dave and Nancy, Paula and Roger, Tim, Eileen and Madeline all made the drive to a rustic cabin located on North Manistique Lake (aka Round Lake) in the UP. The highlight of the trip was a boat tour along the Pictured Rocks National Lake Shore of Lake Superior.   For most of the week the weather was cool and cloudy.  We considered ourselves lucky to arrive at the shore to very calm conditions, warm weather,  and partial sun.

We were surprised to pass so many beautiful beaches on the 20 mile run, all full of people, and many with clusters of kayaks radiating out from them.

Here are my favorite photos from the tour:









Gluttons for punishment can view an additional set of photos here to give you yet more of a look at this area.









Here are some photos around the cabin and North Manistique Lake:











Tour de Trempealeau #3

Goodes, Tony Chevalier, Wilsons (and non-riding Hammans) in attendance.  Possibly the Walls.  The weather tended to run threatening, stormy, very rainy.  Tim and Eileen had their new camper, so except for the first night when they forgot to close a window in a lashing rain and got the bed soaked, they were in good shape.  Tony slept in a tent.  He survived.  That’s about all he can say.

One night we all had dinner down the road at Sullivans.

This gallery, which can be seen here, shows a hike up Brady’s Bluff, the highest point in the park.  This is followed by an old car show in Winona, and a very strange boat race taking place that same day, consisting of tiny hydrofoil boats powered by Italian two stroke motors.  I am not making this up. These motors were so loud, you’d run to get away.  Worse than a chain saw at full bore duct taped to your head.

( There are no shots of bike rides to be seen on this trip.)