Colorado Solo Kar Trip

I drove out to Colorado in the Prius to visit friends.  It’s been a long, brutal winter here in WI.  Eileen is working from our home office and we kept bumping into each other.  Between the weather and cabin fever, this trip seemed like a good idea.

I looked up all kinds of folks I never get to see.  Slept on at least five different couches – it was a cheap good time.  Got lucky with the weather.  Half the time it was near or above 60F.  My only regret was not bringing a bike.

The first half was in Boulder, second half in Denver.  Went through Ft. Collins on the way home.  It had been about 13 years since I’d been there!

Many  of these pictures were taken just wandering around a few neighborhoods in old Boulder.  Your starting price on any of these joints is $1M.











LaCrosse and Dahl Auto Museum

Visiting LaCrosse in January.  Not much to do, so Pops suggested we went to the Dahl Auto Museum on 3rd St., right downtown.  Here’s a few shots from the top of Grandad Bluff, followed by the cars.  It was cold up on the bluff (!) but we wanted to check out the new, improved lookout.

The museum is surrounded on three sides by solid glass, it was a bright day, the glare coming in made for some challenging photo taking, for sure.


Devil’s Lake Campout

Devil’s Lake, WI – October.  Tim and Eileen in their new RV camper, the Trail Cruiser.  Rich and Lori in their new camper, the Sun Ray.

Devil’s Lake was interesting this time of year.  The trees were at the start of full fall color, the weather was cool – cold at night. Our campers were both purchased this summer and were little used, so we’re still trying to figure them out.

This park has four major campground areas, three of them were closed for the season. When we arrived on a Thursday, our area was sparsely populated.  It was quite a surprise to see how it totally filled up by Friday night.  Several boy scout troops helped in that regard.  Lots and lots of tents.  Lots and lots of very large RV trailers.  A few vintage campers, one from the 30’s.  A very old Airstream.   It’s fascinating to see what people show up in.

We hung out in our camper both nights, cooked up great meals, laughed it up and played cards.  The Trail Cruiser hi-fi system made its debut to great fanfare.

On Thursday we hiked the western trail that took us high over the lake.   The sun was out, the weather great.











The second day was much colder and cloudy. We drove to Parfrey’s Glen and hiked back in about as far as we could comfortably go.  It’s spectacular in there.  The hike starts out on the flat, along a small stream.  The trail wanders along on both sides of the stream, which required multiple crossings.  Apparently there used to be more bridges and wooden structures to make things easier, but a major flood washed them away and they weren’t replaced.  Now it’s every hiker for himself.   The trail enters a slot canyon and it’s hand over hand for a bit before it ends abruptly.