Ann W Bday

A bunch of folks pedaled to the Union Terrace to help Handy Ann celebrate a *big* birthday.  It was quite a parade getting down there.  Perfect weather, lots of pitchers and laughs and “crack” popcorn.  Then everyone pedaled home, in the dark.  Officially, no one was lost or abandoned.

Check it out – click the picture.











The MartyJonesLand

We rolled down to Virden for the social event of the year, the Gumm wedding.  I didn’t get my camera out until Sunday morning, when Marty and Georgene hosted a breakfast.  It was my Mom’s birthday, so she got to blow out some candles.  The star of this show is Marty’s salt water fish tank










Madeline’s first solo vocal recital

Madeline is taking private voice lessons from Gail Becker, a talented vocalist and coach recently from Chicago.  Gail holds recitals for her students throughout the year.  This was Madeline’s first experience singing alone in front of a fairly large crowd.  In the 24 hours before the recital,  you could cut the tension with a knife.  When it came to show time, Madeline sailed through it with very little evidence of stage fright.

Click the photo to launch a slide show.