Trempealeau – Camping and Biking

We try to get to Trempealeau every year to camp at Perrot State Park and ride bikes.  This year was no exception.

Unlike some previous outings, we had a varied crowd show up this time.  Jean and Joe brought down their recently acquired, and totally awesome, Airstream from Minneapolis. Jane and ? came along as well.

Dave S. was in town from Missoula, along with his road bike.

On our more “festive” party nights, Iron and ?, along with Scott, came up from LaCrosse.

We rode for several days with Madison friends Guy and Ann, who camped off on their own, along with some friends of theirs we didn’t know.

One day Joannie and Ralph, along with kids, came up from LaCrosse and rented a pontoon boat for us all to enjoy a Mississippi boat ride.  The river was at serious flood stage. We were warned up strong currents and debris in the water, which eliminated any notion of swimming.  What we weren’t warned about was a dark rain front, which barreled in on us less than an hour after we’d departed under sunny skies.  We had no choice but to turn and run for it back to the marina.  Major bummer.



Sugar River Float – May

Hankards, Wilsons, Goodes

A new section of the Sugar for most of us, but not Mike, who had done this same section just this morning.

Riverside Road out of Verona, to the public park in Paoli.  Nice, scenic, all cleared out. Maybe 2 hours on the water.

Weather – cool, upper 50’s, no rain, mostly cloudy, a few rays of sun, could have used more.
