Heidelberg Oct 05, 2023

Our boat docked at Mannheim. We were bused from there to Heidelberg. A bit about this city:

“Heidelberg (German: is a city in the German state of Baden-Württemberg, situated on the river Neckar in south-west Germany. As of the 2016 census, its population was 159,914, of which roughly a quarter consisted of students.[3]

Located about 78 km (48 mi) south of Frankfurt, Heidelberg is the fifth-largest city in Baden-Württemberg. Heidelberg is part of the densely populated Rhine-Neckar Metropolitan Region.

Heidelberg University, founded in 1386, is Germany’s oldest and one of Europe’s most reputable universities.[4] Heidelberg is a scientific hub in Germany and home to several internationally renowned research facilities adjacent to its university, including the European Molecular Biology Laboratory and four Max Planck Institutes.[5] The city has also been a hub for the arts, especially literature, throughout the centuries, and it was designated a “City of Literature” by the UNESCO Creative Cities Network.”

Our tour guide hit us at our first stop with his opening installment of German Royals history. It was cold and windy. The group shifted uncomfortable. A five minute walk to another stop, we paused for our 2nd installment of what was, to my dismay, another deep dive. Fifteen minutes of droning later, Eileen and I were two blocks away and moving fast. Most of our group were close on our heels. I suspect that by the 3rd stop, he was pontificating to empty air.

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Baden-Baden Oct 04, 2023

A short visit to this town, known for it’s natural hot springs. Our group didn’t have time to actually get into the water. (Plus, it never occurred to me to bring my swim suit). It’s also known for its casino(s).

(From wiki:) “In 2021, the town became part of the transnational UNESCO World Heritage Site under the name “Great Spa Towns of Europe”, because of its famous spas and architecture that exemplifies the popularity of spa towns in Europe in the 18th through 20th centuries.

The springs at Baden-Baden were known to the Romans as Aquae (“The Waters”) and Aurelia Aquensis (“Aurelia-of-the-Waters”) after M. Aurelius Severus Alexander Augustus.”
In modern German, Baden is a noun meaning “bathing” but Baden, the original name of the town, derives from an earlier plural form of Bad (“bath”). (Modern German uses the plural form Bäder.) As with the English placename “Bath”, other Badens are at hot springs throughout Central Europe. The current doubled name arose to distinguish it from the others, particularly Baden near Vienna in Austria and Baden near Zürich in Switzerland.”

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Strasbourg, France Oct 03, 2023

Our first tour after embarking. Strasbourg, which is actually in France, is big. Our date of arrival was auspicious, being Unification Day in Germany (the fall of East Germany and the Berlin wall, the end of the cold war), a major holiday. We were warned. It was really crowded. Half of Germany seemed to have come over the border to visit.

Strasbourg sits right on the Rhine. Over the centuries, it went back and forth, back and forth from being first in “France”, then in “Germany”.

“In 2020, the city proper had 290,576 inhabitants and both the Eurométropole de Strasbourg (Greater Strasbourg) and the Arrondissement of Strasbourg had 511,552 inhabitants.[8] Strasbourg’s metropolitan area had a population of 853,110 in 2019,[4] making it the eighth-largest metro area in France and home to 14% of the Grand Est region’s inhabitants. The transnational Eurodistrict Strasbourg-Ortenau had a population of roughly 1,000,000 in 2022. Strasbourg is one of the de facto four main capitals of the European Union (alongside Brussels, Luxembourg and Frankfurt), as it is the seat of several European institutions, such as the European Parliament, the Eurocorps and the European Ombudsman of the European Union.”

We all got bused over from the boat. Our tour guide, a young female, tormented us on the bus with impossible to understand trivia, delivered at crushing volume. Her inanity continued once in town. I didn’t wear an earpiece, so I just tagged along, taking pictures. The Old Town offered up the same kind of old architecture and ambience as Zurich and Basel. The main attraction was Cathédral Notre-Dame de Strasbourg, a very old church of enormous proportion. So large it was hard to take a picture of it.

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